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B&C Dirigo Belt Axe

B&C Dirigo Belt Axe

Its not an arguement that a good axe is the ultimate backcountry tool.  We chose this axe because of its portable size, light weight, and most importantly the Maine wedge.  Some things simply cannot be improved. The Maine wedge pattern has been tried and tested for generations by the logging industry of Maine.  This fine handmade axe is true to its roots.


Made from U.S. sourced 1050 steel, the Maine wedge pattern axe head weighs in at 1.75 lbs. and is hafted on a 17" Amish-turned hickory handle.  Perfect for splitting kindling, putting in your camp pack or airplane, or splitting firewood to fit into your wood stove.  Comes with a custom, Maine-made leather sheath.



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